He's Faithful

11 August 2010

One of my Dear Mentors {Karen} has been praying for Jeremiah and I this Summer.  She asks me for specific things to pray for {My Request: Creative Ways to Reduce Medical Debt} and then she always follows up. 

Well, when I was emailing her, I realized the Faithfulness of Almighty God.  He has been working and moving all summer to help us ...  So I thought I would give Him the praise that He deserves and show you a few ways our Faithful Father is taking good care of us!!!

1. He sold a couch that has been unable to sell since we put it on Craig's list about 6 months ago

2. We had a yard sale

3. I was asked to sing at a funeral for a women that I did not know, but her extended family goes to our church. I was amazed at God's goodness whenever I received a thank you gift from the family. I felt a little funny accepting their gift b/c I have never sang at a funeral before and I had agreed to sing as a way to minister to their family. Anyway, I didn't find it in my heart {or appropriate} to argue with them over their gift so I just took it and thanked Jesus for working in such unusual way's to help Jeremiah and I.

4. We decided to sell our Hot Tub (it came with the house we purchased a year ago). We had been thinking about selling it all summer and thought we'd stick it on craig's list and see if anyone called (given the sofa situation from months earlier we thought we'd be lucky if anyone called.) We had 6 callers before the day was up and the first person that came to our house bought it for what we were asking and had it removed before the week was over!

5. We have had one insurance refund check show up in the mail.

6. I have had 3 clients call me to come to their house to do little design project (this is very unusual in the summer when people are home with their children and getting ready for school to start.)

7. Jeremiah has been getting little bits of overtime and I have been working more hours since BSF has been out so every penny over our budgeted income goes straight to this debt. Little by little God has allowed us to chip away at it. It is not fully paid off but we are getting much closer than we ever dreamed possible!
