Crossfit Competition

28 July 2010

I had never consider myself an athlete or a competitor...
I had never competed at anything in my entire life...
I just didn't think it was in my DNA...

Saturday, everything changed. 
I competed in a Crossfit Competition between
our Gym CrossfitNWA and another local Crossfit.
I was completely out of my element and I had a BLAST!!!
I don't look fit {yet}, but everyday is a transformation.  The people at CrossfitNWA are encouraging and motivating.  They help me feel like I am succeeding everytime I step in the Gym.  My relay beat the competition by over 7 minutes!!!  Yahoo!!!

Ginger & Macy Grimsley even brought me flowers. Oh What Fun!!! I can't wait to see what another year holds:  What will I will look like?  What will I be able to accomplish?
