PSALM 42:5, 7-8

25 January 2023


Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God…

…Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is within me – a prayer to the God of my life.

PSALM 42:5, 7-8
Deeper depths I shall not dive
I desire to stay on land
Where feet are warm and safe and still
Where I can sit and hold Your hand

Deeper depths I shall not dive
I want to stay close to Thee
Where we can sit and chat and sing
Where I can hear the praises ring

Deeper depths I shall not dive
I long to in comfort stay
Where clothes are cozy, safe, and warm
Where I can smell the ocean spray

- Deep calls to deep -

Deeper depths You'd have me go
You desire a buried life
Where feet are wet and tossed about
Where You grip my hand so tight

Deeper depths You'd have me go
You regulate the tide
Where roaring waves toss to and fro
Where I'm buoyed to Your side

Deeper depths You'd have me go
You will not let me drown
Where conversations are silent
Where fixed eyes of trust are found

Deeper depths You'd have me go
You sing Your song o're me
Where melodies rise to the sky
Where praises cover the sea

my inspiration 

The son greatly wished to make a “Song of Lovely Things” to sing to his Beloved – but he could not find singing-words. He heard the voice of his Beloved saying, “You are walking on the road where all who love Me walk. Some of them walked this way singing, and they’ve left their songs behind them. Find their songs. Sing their words. They will be your songs to me.”

But the son became full of grief, because there came a day when he could find no words to sing… And He who is love eternal whispered, “Then I, too, will approach you, silent in my love.” And the son entered into this silence, to meet the eternal Beloved there… 

After a while there was a sound in the gentle stillness, a voice that whispered, “Even your silence is, to Me, a song of lovely things…”

Amy Carmichael, His Thoughts Said… His Father Said, p.30
