13 July 2022


But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption—

He is Christ Jesus:
The reason for exemption
The One who does restore
Who of God is made supreme protection
For those who are in the Lord

He is Wisdom:
The perfect revelation
Of all He has in store
Secrets revealed by investigation,
Through His True Word when explored

He is Righteousness:
Imputed at conversion
To those who don't ignore
Jesus' great payment of restitution
He so lovingly outpoured

He is Sanctification:
The wondrous transformation
Quickens man to abhor
The sin, by which is a violation
Of holiness to the Lord

He is Redemption:
The glorious conclusion
An heir to His grand throne
Yes Life, even here, before perception
Of the Glory we'll behold

my inspiration 

I wrote this poem the summer of 2022 while reading Andrew Murray’s book, Abide In Christ. Chapters 7-10 are particularly intriguing to me, as he dissects 1 Corinthians 1:30 and all the benefits we receive, through Christ, as children of God. 
