verb \ˈchānj\
: to become different
: to make (someone or something) different
: to become something else
Change is hard for so many reasons. Change requires us to {stop the normal}. Change requires us to {step out of our comfort zone}. Change requires us to {be willing to fail}. Change requires us to {release control}.
Jeremiah and I felt God's calling to leave our church home and go wherever He told us to go. For over two years I resisted God's call and was not submissive to my Jeremiah's leadership. I was scared to {change}... This past year I submitted to the Lord {and to Jeremiah} and stepped out in faith. I was scared, but ready for the {change} that God had for us.
After 6 months of visiting churches, praying, wondering how in the world we would know what to do... God led us straight to a new church home.
On the second week of our visit, Jeremiah looked at me and said, "This is the church we need to join and we need to go to Nicaragua with them in January." WHAT?!?!?!? Is this my husband?!?!?!? It's late October... How are we going to join this mission team? We aren't even members of this church! No one knows us! How are we going to raise the money? How are we going to get our passports? How are we going to.....??? Shots! We don't even have our shots! Not to bring this up again, but, is this really my husband?!?!?!?
God sees the unseen. God orchestrates our steps to line up with His will {if we are so willing}. God blows us away when we release control to Him. God knows what is BEST.
So, Saturday, January 24, Jeremiah and I will be boarding a plane for Leon, Nicaragua. We will be leaving a city that we have both grown up in. We will be flying to a new world... a world that we have never seen or known. We will be apart of something big. Something bigger than ourselves. Something that only God could orchestrate and plan. We will be leaving a country that we have never left before and doing something that we have never done. We will be experiencing change.
Please pray for us. We will be gone January 24th-31st. Jeremiah will be helping a construction crew build a home for missionaries coming to that region. I will be assisting a medical team as they plan on seeing over 500 patients in 3 days.
Please pray that we will be changed. Please pray that God uses this trip to change us {for His glory... for His purpose... for His will...}