Run the Plan

03 March 2014

Well, well, well... It's been so long since I've thought about running - that it almost scares me.  I have had plenty of time to pray, think and reflect over the past few weeks.  It's been a great time trying to figure out my future and what God has in store for my life.  It's been challenging... but it has been blessed.

One thing I know for sure, it is that exercise needs to become a priority in the days ahead.  It is hard whenever you own a business.  I've heard it said, "You can work as much as you want and then some more..."  I find it difficult to draw boundaries.  It is hard for me to tell people that I can't help them or that I don't have time.  But, God is showing me that I need to learn to draw boundaries for my health and for His Glory.  Another thing that I am learning about myself is this, 

{He who fails to plan, is planning to fail. - Winston Churchill}    

So, I have spent some time planning the remainder of this year's running program.  I will begin implementing it as soon as I get the {thumbs up} from my doctor.  I haven't been to my post-op visit yet, so I can't begin running right now... but as soon as I get the {thumbs up} I will be ready.  I have planned my training program to get myself in shape for the the following

Upcoming Races

4.26.14 / Susan G Komen Race For the Cure / 5K /

 6.21.14 / Cancer Challenge  Bentonville / 5K /

8.23.14 / St Jude Fayetteville / 10K /

11.09.14 / Fayetteville Half Marathon / 1/2 M /

12.06.14 / Frosty 5K Bentonville / 5K /

So, I want to encourage you to take some time to plan your future.  
Before we know it, we will be looking back and trying to build new years goals for 2015.  
Let's keep the Lord at the forefront of our hearts and lives as we try to submit to Him and His agenda for our lives.

What Goals do You have for the Remainder of 2014?
