Durango Here We Come...

21 April 2013

Jeremiah and I will be married 10 years in November.  It is truly amazing how quickly the years pass.  When we were in Durango, CO {on our honeymoon} we promised each other that we would go back on our 10 year anniversary.  Well, we have been saving for the past year and a half and it looks like we are going to get to go!  We are so excited to re-visit beautiful Durango, CO. 

We have so many things planned, but one of the most exciting things will happen on October 14....
We will be running the Durango Double 1/2 Marathon!!!!

I am SOOOOOOOO excited.  Not only will this be our 10 year anniversary but this will be the first 1/2 Marathon that either of us have ever run.  We will be celebrating the past and the future all at the same time!!!!

I "officially" registered us last night and we are going to begin our training in 2 weeks {after we run in the Susan G. Komen next weekend}.

I can't believe that we have been married 10 years.  I can't believe that we are actually going {back} to the place we spent the first 10 days of our lives as {Husband and Wife}.  I can't believe I am training for a 1/2 Marathon. 

I am so thankful that God gave me such a wonderful husband.  I am so thankful that God created marriage.  I am so thankful that we are getting to celebrate 10 years of marriage.  I am so thankful that we are healthy enough to run and train and breath.

Thank you Lord for life and for love...
