Tomorrow is None of My Business

28 April 2012

"Today is mine, tomorrow is none of my business.  If I peer anxiously into into the fog of the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me today."
- Elisabeth Elliott, Keep a Quiet Heart

It's been hard.
It's been hard to wait patiently.
It's been hard to trust without reservation.

But if there is one thing that I know, it is this:
~ God is Sovereign and He can be trusted ~

We are waiting for our fingerprints to come back so that we can be approved for adoption.  We have been approved with our home-study but we are still waiting on these fingerprints.  Please pray for us.  Please pray that we will trust without reservation.  Please pray that we will continue learning what patience REALLY is.

"Doing the will of God is rarely easy and uncomplicated.  Instead, it is often difficult and convoluted...God loves it when we trust Him without needing a panoramic picture before us.  But trusting Him doesn't guarantee ease and simplicity.  Living out the will of God can be difficult and convoluted.  Sometimes we are literally at a loss to know what God is up to; but  we know that staying where we are is not His plan.  That is a tough place to be, because we know He is up to something, we want to be engaged in it, and we find ourselves restless, trying to figure it out.  We are back to the mystery of God's will."
- Charles Swindoll, The Mystery of God's Will
