We made it

05 October 2013

Well, we made it to Durango at 6:30 pm last night. The drive was absolutely amazing from Albuquerque, NM to Durango, CO.  The mountains are breath-taking and glorious. 

It truly makes you see how vast of a {Creator - God} we serve. You lookout and see open, beautiful, magnificent land as far as the eye can see. It makes you feel small.  But it makes you see how intimate God is.  So intimate, that He would know me... a little dot in this vast earth. 

The cabin is cozy and intimate.  It has a sweet porch swing and is going to be absolutely perfect for our trip. 

We're in Kottage 1 with a kitchen, sitting, bed, and bathroom. 

The vault makes it feel much more spacious than it actually is. Jeremiah's got plans to replicate something like this for a hunting blind...hahahaha...just kidding:)

No {on a more serious note} I feel so blessed to be married to Jeremiah. 10 years has gone quickly and we've grown so very close along the way. 

Praise the Lord for the {gift} of marriage!!!

PS - it's 27 degrees this morning.  Brrrr.
