Deer in Headlights

30 June 2011

I see a friend today that I haven't seen in months.  She proceeds to tell me of this shelter where she recently started as a volunteer.  She tells me of a young woman who has chosen to place her baby up for adoption.  {Are you kidding me??? Okay, is my jaw on the floor??? Do I look like a deer in headlights???}  She starts to tell me about Hope and it is affirmed when she calls her by name. 

Instantly and silently I cry out to God:
Lord, help me be calm.  Help me not get too involved in this converstation.  Help me control my tongue and my heart.  Please, help me Lord.  I am completely blown away by You and Your attention to detail.  I am in shock.  Lord, what do you have for me in all of this?  What role are you wanting us to play?  Is this our child?  Is this our precious baby that we have been praying for?  What are you doing and how are you moving?

My friend never knew those things were running through my mind.  She never knew that I would soon be introduced to this very person she was just speaking about.
