how majestic is {Your} name

15 October 2013

We had an awesome day {yesterday} driving Hwy 550 to Ouray, Telluride, and then making our way back {in a giant circle} to Durango.  The road was absolutely TERRIFYING. It was snowing and icy...

I think the road department tries {everything in their power} to freak-out the tourist.  You drive along a very narrow road, covered in ice, with NO guard rails, 1000' drop-off to the right, falling rock to the left, avalanche area signs all around, while a fifth-wheel pushes you along the curvy path that does a figure 8 right before your very eyes...  SCARY!!!!!!

We enjoyed our last day {in the west} with a fantastic trip, where we saw mule deer and elk alike.  We were able to stop for at least 15 minutes {on the side of the road} and listen.  Listen, while an entire herd of elk {bugled} to one another beneath a foggy, misty, snow covering.  {I'll never forget it!}

Thank you Lord for your unfailing love and your generosity.  Thank you for allowing us to share in your beautiful creation. This beautiful image only give us a tiny glimpse of {You} our glorious Creator-God. 

Psalm 8:3-4,9
"When I consider the heavens,
The work of your fingers,
The moon and the stars,
Which you have set in place,
What is man that you are mindful of him, 
The son of man that you would care for him?
O Lord, our Lord,
How majestic is your name in all the earth!"
