Durango {1/2 Marathon}

13 October 2013

We were up early this morning.  No sleeping in. Jeremiah got up at 5:30 to get woke up before his race.

I had to drop Jeremiah off at the bus at 6:30 am. They bussed the runners to the top of the mountain... 

I followed the bus for a minute and then off to the Laundry Mat for me! 

It was such a bummer that my race chip never got to get out of its package. I had registered Jeremiah and I for the 1/2 Marathon but since my ankle injury {this summer} I didn't get my training in...

I am so proud of Jeremiah. He shot a picture at the start and text it to me!

I happened to be heading back to downtown Durango when I saw some runners along the Animas River...

I pulled into a parking lot and started walking towards the trail...  Just at the right time {amazingly} Jeremiah was running up the trail. It was awesome. He was at {mile marker 9} and I got to cheer him on for a second. 

He did so great!  He finished the {1/2 Marathon} in 2 hours and 12 minutes!!!

He did his 1st {1/2 Marathon} in the Colorado Mountains and he had a GREAT time... Averaging a 10:05 min pace.  Which is AWESOME for a 6,900' elevation!!!!

Way to go Jeremiah!!!
